Step 1: Installation of a Unihedron SQM Meter
For the purposes of our project, we purchased an SQM Meter which is powered over ethernet and can run 24x7x365.
Step 2: Configure the meter to take a reading every 5 minutes.
Readings are taken every 5 minutes and send over the network to a laptop which saves each entry to a file.
Step 3: SQM software exports a daily report in CSV format and saved to a shared location.
The file is written to every five minutes and at midnight, a new file is created. The files are synchronised to a shared location where it can be accessed for analysis.
Step 4: Script runs to merge all daily SQM files.
A Python Script runs to strip unwanted headed information and to merge the daily files into a single file for analysis.
Step 5: Merged data is loaded into Tableau Public.
The merged file is used at part of a Tableau Public dashboard.
Step 6: The Tableau dashboard is embedded in the Lough Gur Website
The Tableau Public dashboard is embedded into the Lough Gur website, where you can safely browse, analyse the data as you see fit.